that which enables and constrains...

a partial set of documentation images from the process and duration of producing, installing, acting, documenting and distributing/participating  the solo project that which enables and constrains what can and cannot be done and said, West Space 2015

link to West Space page
















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(image: participant SE)

(image: participant SE)


(image: participant EB)

(image: participant EB)

(image: participant EB)

(image: participant EB)



(image: participant SZ)


(image: participant SB)

(image: participant AN)


(image: participants DF)


 (image: participant BA)


 (image: participant GC)

(image: participant SE)


(image: participant UN)

(image: participant BA)


(image: participant BA)




(image: participant FW)


(image: participant GR)


(image: participant GR)


) )))))))


(image: participant BW)))))))))))))

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